October 29, 2008
I logged this one during the un-event, but now I see that I already did it! Oh well, it was nice to have a revisit.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 02, 2008
Less than 30 people have logged this cache since I last replaced the log. There are way more than 30 spots on the log. The last two times I replaced the log it still had plenty of blank spaces on it.
If the next finder can confirm that both sides of the log are completely full, I will happily replace it.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
April 12, 2008
Seems like this is too popular a spot to keep a cache these days. Thanks for all the fun.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
March 27, 2008
Thanks again, Glonch's Pride!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
May 26, 2007
Thanks for the log replacement, cer!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
May 25, 2007
bug drop
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
April 06, 2007
Thanks for replacing the log. I clarified the Klystron tower question.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
April 01, 2007
Bug drop
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 31, 2007
thanks for the fun.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 14, 2007
12:44 pm - Hey, what's a bullit cache doing way over here? The webcam was down, so we went up to the top. Cool view. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
12:44 PM
January 11, 2007
edited the cache description about the Klystron Tower noting that it's a Tower and not in a glass pyramid.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 06, 2007
4:39 pm - Got a picture thanks to MotorBug. it seemed a lot darker when I was there! Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
04:39 PM
December 22, 2006
"Reverse boultered"? My mind is all aflutter trying to figure out how I could be clumsy in reverse!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 11, 2006
Now that was a disturbing email subject line:
"WeBeDnD temporarily disabled Boulter (Disabled)"
Ouch! Who you calling disabled?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
September 20, 2006
The End has come for this cache. Actually the End is a little further down the road at the trailhead cache anyway.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
September 10, 2006
2:26 pm - It took us a little while to locate the cam. TeamAlamo saw us on the camera before we knew where we had to go. Complaints about the lack of zoom in the picture should be directed to the world's #1 cacher.
Posted by jeff at
02:26 PM
September 04, 2006
Since your caches are obviously so original and interesting I thought my comment would be taken as so absurd that I could only be joking. Or was I?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
September 03, 2006
1:58 pm - Lots of options for cameras here and lots of options for capturing my image. I settled on grabbing it from my Treo. Cool webcam!
Posted by jeff at
01:58 PM
July 14, 2006
I will be there in a few weeks and will replace the log sheet.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 11, 2006
4:34 pm - I don't think I've ever almost not found a webcam before. If it wasn't for the painted feet I may have never found it! My god, they must make a killing on t-shirts here. You can't go anywhere on the island without seeing one. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
04:34 PM
June 19, 2006
Fixed the typo in the additional coordinates.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
Thanks for replacing the log, Gitonyerhorse!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 10, 2006
Funny, I have an ammo box, but nothing to put it in it! Marky, I'll contact you to figure out how we reunite these.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
April 24, 2006
Whaddya know, this is still being used by those mafia types.
visit link)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
March 26, 2006
Actually it was in my query. I just failed to notice it. I guess it's too late to cheat and say we found it anyway.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 11, 2006
Thanks, guys! Apparently this one lived up to its waypoint ID.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 21, 2006
Forgot to drop the Thing 1 TB.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 14, 2006
Oops, I did make an error with D. I doublechecked it too. Sorry about that. It's fixed now.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 08, 2006
We took a walk today and checked on the cache. It was still a bit moist so I swapped out the log with a fresh one.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 02, 2006
Geez, I wish coordinates from a log showed up in email notifications. I didn't realize that Team Spoonhead had posted new ones. Looking at the new ones I realized that I mistyped the original longitude, 966 instead of 996. Oops. Sorry about that folks.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 30, 2005
I'd appreciate it if the next cacher could post the coordinates they found the cache at. I averaged the coords for several minutes on my Garmin 60cs. The cache is not under any rocks. It's at least 4 feet off the ground and you don't need to leave the trail. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 07, 2005
And the verdict is... I got poison oak! Woo hoo. Just a little on my legs.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
November 23, 2005
I checked on it again, and it's indeed gone. It appears this location has been compromised, so I won't replace it.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
November 15, 2005
You bastards! I knew I shouldn't have let Marky out of my sight!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 23, 2005
Would LOVE to archive this one. See my previous attempts at killing it and how the original idea for this cache didn't pan out.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 21, 2005
Nah, it wasn't all that great to begin with. Feel free to place another one here if you'd like though.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 18, 2005
Seems to be gone.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 16, 2005
Well, at least I have company. 11 other people have posted a DNF. Perhaps it's time for a hint?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 11, 2005
Hey bullit, get bent!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
Pathetic human made an error in transcribing coordinates. He will be destroyed.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
September 25, 2005
Gah! I was just there an hour ago and thinking that weather vane was cool! Oh well.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
September 03, 2005
2:05 pm - Since we were very close by, Marky took us on a little tour down the the comet. Oooh! Aaaah! I'm looking forward to someday finding those pesky 3 outer planets someday.
Posted by jeff at
02:05 PM
August 30, 2005
What's the story on this one? Will it be replaced?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
August 28, 2005
4:30 pm - Once again I found the cache, but I don't yet have the three. I've got an extra B&W Jazz, clear Echo and yellow Echo. Anybody want to trade for a black Echo?
Posted by jeff at
04:30 PM
August 19, 2005
FTW! (First to add to Watchlist)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
August 16, 2005
Good idea. The pipe is now available for birthday events, weddings and bar mitzvahs. Reservations required. Inquire within.
Very strange, but I'm glad you guys had fun!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
Checked on the cache with TeamNazgul. All is well.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 24, 2005
8:20 am - I just love taking self-portraits with my Treo! I just loaded up the page and there I was. It was just in time too as the Wharf to Wharf race was just about to zoom by. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
08:20 AM
July 22, 2005
That's really cool. I wondered where this was. More info: (
visit link)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 18, 2005
Ahh, there's a special pleasure I get when GeoBrowns DNFs one my caches since they've stumped me on several of theirs. Let me know if you need a hint.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 17, 2005
Logging in the Mark The Cat TB.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 20, 2005
First to solve (as far as I know). It's quick one once you get the idea.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 17, 2005
What goes around, comes around, ctomcat!
Oh and I updated the coords with Marky's this morning.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
Maybe because you forgot the description. :-)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 12, 2005
It would be a good idea to disable the cache until the coordinates are corrected.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 09, 2005
For One Pair, I found the cache first then the tokens. Now I have the tokens for Two Pair, but not the cache. I'll try to pick that up soon with My Jazz 49, 31 and Echo 213, 196.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
May 29, 2005
Unbelievable. My second attempt at finding a swinging bridge and I find a bridge that is logged the same day. Nuts to me for not logging my caches promptly.
We were driving down US 90 on Sunday when I saw this one. I got a decent shot of it which was amazing since we were going 65 (there was no place to stop on the bridge). I forgot to get the GPSr in the picture though so I guess it woudn't count anyway. But this is a better shot of short circuit 2's bridge and you can see a boat going through it.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
May 28, 2005
8:11 pm - We were having a dinner at Cannon's nearby and I noticed there was a webcam cache very close by. It was getting dark as we finished dinner and I was getting worried it would be too dark to do the cache so I dashed out just after the check came. I got my Dad to pull up the webcam but I managed to grab a picture of myself from my Treo. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
08:11 PM
May 23, 2005
A fresh log sheet has been added. Thanks, Mom!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
May 11, 2005
What fun is a puzzle cache without a curmudgeonly DNF log from kablooey? None, that's what I say.
There's only one physicist that I know of that has solved the puzzle. There's even a way to do it without using any math.
The point about no description of the container is well taken. I added one.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
April 23, 2005
Please post unaltered photos only.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
March 27, 2005
Looks like the Sci3 patent system may no longer be available soon. (
visit link)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
8:55 am - Found the cache, still no tokens encountered. I'm sure I'll find one eventually or maybe someone will let me borrow a couple.
Posted by jeff at
08:55 AM
March 26, 2005
8 pm - We decided to grab some dinner here because we were too tired to cook after the deathmarch.
I wanted to see if Anne could find this one (since it's her namesake cache too), so I put her in the right area and told her to start searching in the dark.
She looked at one object from 10 feet away and instantly said "it's that".
"What do you mean?" I said. "Are you sure?". She said yes and then I had to admit to her that she was right. I pulled it out and showed it to her and she seemed completely unsurprised. How did she do that? Not fair.
Posted by jeff at
08:00 PM
March 20, 2005
Dropped another token. Lowering difficulty again.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
March 19, 2005
Rule #23 of Geocaching in the Bay Area: Always keep your pocket queries up to date.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
March 14, 2005
Dropped another sig item.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
8:40 am - I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I would pick up the cache and post a note until I find the Echo I picked up on Skyline and track down a Jazz. Grabbed Bughound token #137. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:40 AM
February 20, 2005
I checked on the cache today and all is well. I added a dollar as a FTFTY prize. (First to Find This Year) :-) Don't miss a new cache I placed just up the road.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
I replaced the cache today with a new film can, magnet and extraction apparatus. The log is in a baggie too.
Don't stop here though - keep heading up the road for two more!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 19, 2005
No one's found this one in a while, so I added another hint.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 08, 2005
I sent in my solution for the first part two weeks ago and have received no response. Is this cache being maintained?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 05, 2005
5:10 pm - This webcam seems to be on the fritz. While we were there, I tried to load it on my Treo and nothing happened. I figured it was just my device, so I called my parents and they said they got the same thing. Later they called back and said it was working again, but by the time we got back to the pier, it wasn't working.
As I try it right now it's not working again. Oh well, I'm sure we'll be back some other day.
Posted by jeff at
05:10 PM
February 03, 2005
I'm not sure what to do about this one. I (along with many others) already found the other one of the same name and theme and the final Inca Gold cache, all of which were a lot of fun. But it seems like most of the meaning is gone to redo just this one.
Maybe I just need someone to place a new cache or two near this one as incentive. :-)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 01, 2005
9:10 am - Very funny. I was sitting there waiting for mmp when I saw a green SUV with a GPS mounted on the dash drive by. I got a quick glance at the driver and thought it could be atc or budd-rdc. (I still can't tell them apart. :-) ) But he didn't turn around so I thought it must have been just some other random person.
I should hang out in front of my caches more often!
Posted by jeff at
09:10 AM
January 27, 2005
Added something to the description that says you should have 15 digits in your coordinates.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 23, 2005
Added some incentive to the cache with a Jeep brought by digitalfish.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 14, 2005
I found it! I DNF'd my own cache several times, but this time I managed to grab it while there to pick up a pizza. Of course just as I was pulling it out some guy came around the corner and said something to me on his way by. It definitely wasn't in the same place as I left it nearly a year and a half ago, but it's in a good spot.
I was going to replace the log, but it was still in good shape, and there was a whole nother original sheet in there that hasn't been touched. The log sheet was dry but well-worn.
Cache on!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 01, 2005
Happy New Year! I checked on the cache last night and all is well. Hint added.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 29, 2004
Alright, one more stab at the coordinates. This should put people on the right side of the street (NW corner of the intersection) and the cache is completely accessible in snow.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 28, 2004
I visited the site again today and confirmed the cache was still in place. I tried taking coordinates from a couple different approaches and got different coordinates. I think the buildings are blocking the signal too much. Try these new averaged coordinates. I also upped the difficulty to 3.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 26, 2004
Is this one coming back?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 24, 2004
11 am - Checked on the cache and dropped off the RedSoxNation TB. Go Sox!
Posted by jeff at
11:00 AM
December 21, 2004
Called at 10:27 and after several rings someone answered hello and then I got some beeps and couldn't hear them anymore.
Called back at 10:29 and Jamie Z answered. Got the coords for whenever I make it up to SF again. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 13, 2004
I made it to the cache location in July, but couldn't find it. I really enjoyed the journey though and I hope someone is able to verify that the cache is actually there.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 11, 2004
Ding. :-)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 09, 2004
Brought the RedSoxNation TB for a quick visit and a taste of home.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
November 21, 2004
Why has this cache been moved to the South Bay? I'd rather not have a cache that requires a 10,000 mile drive showing up in my backyard when it it clearly is nowhere near here. The geocaching guidelines say that caches puzzle caches should have coordinates within 1 mile of the final coordinates. Generally there's a few miles of leeway, but this one clearly does not fit that description.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
November 20, 2004
3:25 pm - I'd like to take a minute of your time to tell you about a serious condition that may affect you or someone you love. It's called TGB or Temporary Geocacher Blindness.
TGB is a debilitating condition that results in senseless driving, wandering and DNFs.
Take this geocacher, workerofwood, for example. He's found hundreds upon hundreds of caches, yet TGB has caused him to struggle with the simplest of caches such as this very one.
Many TGB suffers have found help in enlisting assistants to "see" for them. If you can, please volunteer your time such as I did on the cache, to help those afflicted with TGB and help lessen their pain. Thanks for your support.
Posted by jeff at
03:25 PM
8:04 am - Glad to see my previous damage has been repaired. :-)
Posted by jeff at
08:04 AM
November 15, 2004
Hey, I didn't make up the name!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
November 09, 2004
Is this one coming back? Been disabled for a long time.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 25, 2004
Yeah, I think I'll make it. I'll bring a camera so I can reference any evil camo for subsequent cache hides. :-)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 21, 2004
Coming soon: Inter-spacial dodecahedral reasoning. In this puzzle, you must calculate the coordinates of a grain of rice flying through space at 89,000,000 furlongs per picosecond as it passes through through overlapping alternate universes, all of infinite dimensions. Now if I can only work out the laws of math in these other universes...
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
Only joking! These puzzles are always educational and fun. I'm just amazed that there are still more shapes left!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
Forgot to mention that my GPSr was pointing me to the other side of the stand, from where you can also see the corn. IMO, that side would feel a lot less conspicous.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 17, 2004
I revisted the cache today and replaced the film can with a small margarine container. I also got a pretty good reading on the coords, so try the updates ones.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 13, 2004
What, there's a piece of concrete missing?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 03, 2004
bug drop
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 01, 2004
Well, I've been there and looked when it was missing. I've already found the final cache and there's no requirement to write to the owner, so can I just log this as a find?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
September 26, 2004
We'll be there! If you haven't done it already, my Displaced New Englander cache (
visit link) is in this park so you may want to work on the solution before you get there, or I'll be giving out free hints at the event. :-)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
We stopped by to freeze our brains and I spent a few minutes looking for the cache. I didn't find it, but I couldn't find it once before and tried to archive it, then someone else found it. Apparently I can't find my own cache. I'll let some others try if they want before I archive it.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
September 22, 2004
I replaced the cache this afternoon in a new spot since the old one is completely exposed. The puzzle doesn't change, but the projection at the end did change as well as the hint.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
September 19, 2004
That's pretty scary to hear about the rattlesnake bite here. This was the same place that I found a rattlesnake skin. Perhaps the cache should be moved?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
September 17, 2004
The cache appears to be missing. I'll place a new one in time for the event.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
September 15, 2004
Too bad this one is archived. I found another village in New Hampshire, United States called Waterloo. Oh well.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
September 09, 2004
1:01 pm - I ran across this eternal flame memorial in Veterns Park in downtown Manchester, New Hampshire, USA. Sadly it hasn't been lit for as long as I can remember, but I thought I'd at least note it here. This park is also a stop of my downtown multi-cache, Bronze and Stone.
Posted by jeff at
01:01 PM
August 29, 2004
I've finally finished the series!
Now here's my little secret - to keep myself motivated to finish this series, I left a secret message for JoeSpaz in 35 parts, one part in each log.
So while you're out correcting coordinates (;-)) JoeSpaz, collect them all and let me know when you figure it out! I challenge others to do the same. Have fun!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
August 20, 2004
I didn't see any poison oak on my way to the cache. That doesn't mean that there isn't any, but there was none obvious to me.
The next time I'm in the area, I may place a regular-sized cache. I need to start keeping my car stocked with regular-sized containers.
As for the coordinates, I averaged 30 or so readings over a few minutes. If there's a consensus on better ones, I'll post them, but I think the hint is also pretty unique and explicit.
Have fun!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
August 15, 2004
The Cache Machine moving cache on Ventura_Kids' jeep is GCH5F5
visit link)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
August 04, 2004
Dropped the Airborne T-10 Parachute TB for MotorBug.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 31, 2004
3:59 pm - We were here in March 2003. It was one of our earlier caches and we found the hint, but not the cache. I wasn't as clued in on the rules so I logged it as a find anyway.
I always felt bad about that so while I waited 3 hours for the "new tires in 30 minutes" place, I took a walk over to see if I could really find it.
You'd think I might have learned something about the geography of Mountain View in the last year, but I made almost all the same wrong turns that we made last year, but they were much more expensive mistakes on foot.
Of course once I made it to the cache, I found it right away and signed the fresh log book. I'm happy this cache is still around so my conscience is clear. :-)
Posted by jeff at
03:59 PM
July 20, 2004
I brought the High Adventure TB on this adventure and even got him back in the water as he traveled in my pocket as I swam to the final cache location. I didn't find a cache to put him in, but I think he had a good adventure.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 17, 2004
I replaced the cache today with a large spice container wrapped in brown tape. I seem to have run out of new england stuff, so the new cache only contains a few coins and a log book. A couple of the couriers are heading west now, so hopefully they'll replenish the cache soon.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 16, 2004
Oh, that's hilarious. At least it's just a short walk!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 10, 2004
Updated the coordinates. Not sure which hint Marky decoded though since there is none!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 06, 2004
I checked the cache this morning and it is indeed missing or DISLOCATED. I'll whip up a replacement shortly.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 03, 2004
Thanks! I think my name is quite clever as well. Did you know it's an anagram for 'trouble'? :-)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
July 01, 2004
I think both of us will make it.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 30, 2004
I went to look for the cache today and it's nowhere to be find. I thought about replacing it, but I decided that it's not such a good idea to encourage people to mess around with sprinkler systems. It upsets the gardeners.
Plus, WeBeDnD is running out of parks to dump his puzzles.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 28, 2004
Added a parking hint.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
Help! I'm falling apart!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 21, 2004
I apologize if anyone was unable to get to my tool last night. It appears that someone was running a robot against it, making many consecutive requests. This could have caused some error messages for others. It seems to be fine now, so give it a try.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 20, 2004
Any computer will work just fine. Maybe I did underrate it. It's no harder than trying to log a cache on Sunday night though!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 19, 2004
Some people have said that it appears that my new tool is having some trouble. It seems to be working for me though, so keep trying. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 14, 2004
(Tap), (Tap), (Tap)... Anybody home? It's your mother.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 07, 2004
WeBeDnD was so anxious to find the cache, that he replaced it for me while I tried to find a film canister supplier. Thanks, WeBeDnD!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
June 04, 2004
Doh, another one apparently missing. It definitely wasn't in the right spot, but I'll return in the daylight to see if it's around somewhere.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
Yup, the cache is indeed missing. And me, I'm fresh out of film canisters. I'll see what I can do about that.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
The tree that obscured the cache has strangely disappeared. It looked pretty healthy to me! The cache is now fully visible. It'll be interesting to see how long it lasts.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
April 24, 2004
4:39 pm - I've been trying to get out here since this cache came out because I can practically spit to this place from work. I never seem to be able to find the time to jump out at lunch time. Today required a dump run, so it worked out perfectly.
Just to be safe, I didn't bring my wallet in. The dump would close soon.
I was here a few weeks ago trying to drop off some old macs, but they would charge me to take them. If anyone could use some circa 1994 Macs, let me know.
Posted by jeff at
04:39 PM
April 23, 2004
Yes, this would be a very good place to watch airshow. People sit on lawns up and down Mathilda during the show, but this would be better.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
April 21, 2004
Hey, where's the option for 'coke'?
visit link)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
April 17, 2004
Don't Order Me Around
We were out with Nostrada and some others in a park where I knew one of the stages was. On our way from cache to cache we came across this stage, counted what we needed to count and made a note of it. I did some quick math and realized I didn't have enough information to figure out where the next stage was, so we went on.
Later in the day, I found myself at the first stage on the second sheet and got the information there. When I got home I realized I should have done them in order because I now need to go back to where I just was. Oh well.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
April 14, 2004
Too bad she spells her name with an 'e'. :-)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
April 04, 2004
"It's just a quarter mile!"
At the tail end of a string of caches, I convinced Nostrada to go give the new coordinates a try. "It's only a quarter of a mile" I said because that's how far my GPSr said from where we parked. We took a trail that headed us in the wrong direction so we did some other caches first. Then we tried to make it back to this stage but only found ourselves on ever-narrowing trails that eventually ended in a very dubious cliff.
We went back and tried for another route. This time we stayed on the trail for a while longer. Then we found a point at which it seemed the cache was 500 feet off the very steep side of this trail. I decided to go for it and Nostrada followed. My reception was spotty but something strange started to happen - I began to get farther away. The further down I went, the further away I got. Finally I realized that I had made a terrible error and the cache was not down the cliff but up the cliff on the other side of the trail.
Nostrada didn't want to go back up, so he went parallel to the trail while I scrambled back up. When I reached the trail no one was around, so I wasn't sure what to do. I decided to continue up the trail for a bit to see if they went that way. After a few minutes of hiking, I was convinced they couldn't have gone this far, but then I remembered that when I was in this park before I saw a trail that ran parallel to this one further up. I hussled up the trail and sure enough found the trail. A ways down the trail I found the cache. Hooray! I took a few new instruction sheets and headed back down.
A half hour later I arrived back to where the others were waiting. I thought it might be funny to grimace and pretend to limp a bit as I arrived to see if they were worrying about me. As they approached in concern I broke into a sprint waving the sheets in my hand. They didn't think it was funny.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
March 21, 2004
Came up here again today with workerofwood and elmo-fried. After they took turns signing the log, I decided to see what I wrote over a year ago when I found this one. Either someone decided that my log was so memorable that they took it home with them or (more likely) we forgot to sign the log! So I signed it this time to make it official. Thanks again!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
March 14, 2004
It's sad to see probably the only Rat cache that was completely obvious to me and members of my family archived. I guess it helps to be a new englander!
Anyway, if anyone ever needs to score a cribbage hand, I wrote a crude little web page to do that at (visit link) . Enjoy.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
March 06, 2004
Disappointment on the Deathmarch
After a long hike, we tried to find the end of the the first stage. We saw signs for the pipeline so we thought for sure that we were in the right place. After searching for a half hour on the side of a cliff full of poison oak, we gave up and finished the hike in a somber mood.
When I got home I solicited the help of another racer who helped clarify some of the values. That gave us new coordinates to try later. I'm not sure if stumbled across an intentional deception or not, but we were definitely at a pipeline (there was even a sign) at the wrong place.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 28, 2004
I moved the cache today so that is easily accessable from the trail without going through any sensitive areas. Please stay on the trail when you visit the cache and take a moment to enjoy the views.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 24, 2004
When I placed the cache, I came up from a different direction I think and didn't see the sign. I'll see about moving it a bit.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 23, 2004
The cache was indeed missing. I replaced it this morning with a container courtesy of Marky.
I'm going to pull a Milli Vanilli and "Blame it on the Rain" washing it away, but please be discreet when searching for the cache.
Cache on!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 21, 2004
Cache Maintenance - Replaced the log and the ziploc bag. Also removed the items from the cache as they were a bit damp as well. Other than that, the cache is in good shape!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 15, 2004
I was right next to this one working on some other caches when I saw a family with a GPS trying to find it. They were looking in the wrong place, so I shouted out a hint. When I finished, they still hadn't found it, so I led them to the spot and coached them a bit. They couldn't find it because it wasn't there!
We looked all around for a bit until I looked below where the cache should be and saw that it had fallen down, almost out of reach. I was amazed that it was able to stay put at all!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 13, 2004
Surely Undecimal is much more of a heavy burden for you to maintain than this tiny cache? I say that only with my sincere concern for you Rat.
There is absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Undecimal is the only cache of yours I haven't completed. :-)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 24, 2004
Added some text to the description to note that S changed, since some people hadn't noticed the log I made. Also removed the Members Only status as I think all the bugs have been worked out. I upped the difficulty to 4 based on feedback I've been hearing.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 18, 2004
How are the repairs coming on this one?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 15, 2004
Updated S to remote any ambiguity.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 14, 2004
Stopped by this evening to replace the log. It looks like some of the trinkets inside were weighing it down and caused it to flip over and allow water to seep in. The insides were dry except for the log sheet.
I'm happy to report that the log sheet exactly matched up with the logs on the website, except for HitsMan, who never logged it. :-)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 11, 2004
I'm looking forward to doing this cache. When might it be replaced?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
January 10, 2004
Both of us will be there.
Geez, is this place gonna be big enough for all these cachers?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 26, 2003
I continue to get reports of people answering the questions from all six waypoints correctly, but are unable to find the cache. I want people to find it, so I've added a very explicit second hint. Good luck!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 14, 2003
Just curious, who are these mysterious figures behind BADGES?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 13, 2003
I added to the hint to make it a little easier. The point is definitely not to make for a difficult find after visiting 6 waypoints. This is usually the first kind of place I look in California caches!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 10, 2003
Gee, I didn't know there was a cache at mmp's house. What's the waypoint?
Sometimes I get the urge to do some night caching around 2 am. I'm sure you won't mind strange geocachers lurking around your backyard at that time, right mmp? ;-)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 06, 2003
The snowstorm made me realize that the Pulaski waypoint would be pretty difficult in the snow, so I changed it to one that should work in all seasons. Cache on!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
December 03, 2003
So, what's the news on this one?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
November 22, 2003
Why not just add a new log sheet?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
November 20, 2003
Purely for the benefit of Geocaching, I will grab this one this evening and place it in a more appropriate location.
No one else need attempt this one as I will use my experience of 3 previous DNFs to track this one down.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
Will this one be archived like Qume?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
November 15, 2003
Is this one coming back?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
November 03, 2003
Armed with a proper tool and under cover of darkness, I set out to do some maintenance on this cache. I was able to place it MUCH more securely. At the same time I think this will make it more difficult to find, but considering people haven't had much trouble with it since the coordinates were corrected, I'll leave the difficulty as is for now.
Once my work was done, I spent a few minutes inspecting the contents and reading the logs. My favorite log was Marky and Joani: "Coords sucked." I'll admit that they probably did and I'm appreciative for their corrective action.
Cache on!
Posted by jeff at
07:45 PM
No wonder Kablooey has found the time to locate over 1,000 caches - he's on 26-hour days!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 15, 2003
Well, I thought I'd note my adventures on this one so far before I forget them. This really is one of our favorite shows, so I was excited to begin this cache.
I haven't been making any particular effort to finish this one, even though it frequently ends up as my "nearest" cache. I've just been hitting each stage as I've been doing other caches in the area.
I did the first stage a couple of months ago. I did a lot of counting and came up with the coords for the first roadblock. That one was relatively straightforward and a nice walk. I filed away the answer and the coordinates for the detour for my next trip, not realizing that it was very close to the roadblock. Made a return trip and chose "through". That was probably a few weeks ago.
I calculated the first pit stop coordinates and they looked a bit strange. They seemed pretty far out there and it doesn't look like the kind of place I'd want to venture to without being sure I'd find the pit stop there.
I double-checked my answers with Nostrada. They were the same except for the roadblock; he did "Under" and got a different answer. His coordinates looked a lot more reasonable though. I decided that I'd try for the fast forward before the pit stop and try to resolve the inconsistency.
Today I was in the area of the fast forward and searched for it for a while, but didn't find it. I don't know if that means someone has taken it, or I just didn't find it. Where are the the red and yellow flags? :-)
I guess I'll think about this one some more, but I think it's probably more likely that it'll be archived for whatever reason before I finish it.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
October 12, 2003
We stopped by to continue our tradition of freezing our brains. I've updated the listing with some better coordinates. I spent a few minutes trying to find the cache, but had no luck. Other people seem to be better at finding my caches any way. Good luck!
Posted by jeff at
04:00 PM
June 01, 2003
Stopped by to check on the cache, read the logs and drop off the WTC Rivet Bug. If you walk west on to the campus from the cache about 200 feet there is a small memorial of the Sept. 11 attacks, though if security sees you and you are not an employee, you may be politely asked to leave. Took the soccer ball.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
May 20, 2003
I went to check on this cache this morning to make sure it was still there. Someone rehid it in a slightly different place and I had a hard time finding it! I thought it had gone missing for the 3rd time. But it is still there. I did up the difficulty rating a bit and added a hint.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
May 19, 2003
With the help of the super-nice Groundspeak folks, I've modified some the cache details to better meet the guidelines. The cache hasn't moved, it just has different questions. Cache on!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
May 07, 2003
Finally got around to getting a micro together and placing it here. The biggest challenge there was finding a film canister since I switched to digital photography years ago. I stopped by my local drug store and not finding any empty canisters I could buy, asked the person behind the photo counter if they had any. They had a whole wastebasket full of them!
Anyway, went to place the micro and some local hoodlums were hanging out right next to where the cache would be. They seemed to be looking for something in the bushes. Probably not a good idea to place it there again.
So I moved the cache to a new location about 50 feet away. Hopefully it will last longer. Please be discreet!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 23, 2003
Went and picked up the remmants of the cache. It seems that the cache vandals took the time to smash the cassette tape case that was in the cache. Very nice. Not sure how they even found it - it was very hard to see in both locations. I've made the cache virtual for now. Maybe someday I'll find a place that's well-hidden enough.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 21, 2003
I reclaimed, restocked and relocated the a cache to a less busy area of the park. This location isn't quite at the end of the greenbelt, so I encourage you to continue exploring west of the cache to the end. And please be careful so the cache isn't gutted again!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM