February 27, 2005
1:50 pm - It was raining a bit, so I made this a quick one. Nice new parkt. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
01:50 PM
1:29 pm - This one could have been in a lot of places. I felt lucky when I finally found it. Thanks for pointing out this micro-park.
Posted by jeff at
01:29 PM
1:04 pm - Good camo. It's a good thing one spot stuck out to us and I looked at it thoroughly or we could have been here a long time. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
01:04 PM
12:43 pm - We parked right by here to start our bike ride, but skipped it, figuring we'd grab it when we got back.
Unfortunately there where some people fishing right next to the cache when we returned, so we had to skip it. Bummer. Thanks for the nice bike ride though.
Posted by jeff at
12:43 PM
12:17 pm - This was the last cache we did on our bike ride around Redwood Shores. We really enjoyed the tour and did another lap to enjoy it some more. This one wasn't hard to find. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
12:17 PM
11:58 am - As we arrived a large jackrabbit hopped away. There were lots of places to search for this one, but I came out already. Nice spot. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:58 AM
11:52 am - The evaporator left us feeing parched, so we stopped for a drink and found the cache. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:52 AM
11:46 am - Yet another nice and easy cache along the path. It was well-covered but I found it easily. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:46 AM
11:38 am - We really enjoyed this easy bike ride - so much so we did the loop twice. We found this one right away and TNLNSL. Thanks again.
Posted by jeff at
11:38 AM
11:38 am - Pretty spot. We didn't even notice all the birds until we were heading back - they have some pretty good camo. The cache was right where it should be and we TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:38 AM
11:24 am - This was our first stop on our bike tour. I didn't find it until Anne pointed me in the right spot and there it was. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:24 AM
February 26, 2005
3:29 pm - Confinced my wife to swing by here after lunch downtown. I thought we were going on the trail, but it turned out to be much quicker. Took a bead. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
03:29 PM
12:11 pm - Attempt #3 on this one and I brought MotorBug as backup. He pointed me in the right general spot and I found it. It sure is hidden well in there. Thanks again for the nice walk. TNLNSL.
Posted by jeff at
12:11 PM
11:30 am - Yup, this one was an easy find. I was tempted by the new Geowomyn sig items, but I quelled my lust. TNLNSL. Thanks for all the bonus caches!
Posted by jeff at
11:30 AM
11:14 am - I was all over the place on this one, but MotorBug found it quickly and was nice enough to help me out. What a guy. Thanks, TNLNSL.
Posted by jeff at
11:14 AM
11:03 am - I spotted this one quickly and signed the log. While MotorBug was signing I made a friend with a snail and decided to take him home with me. Snails were definitely the theme of the day! Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:03 AM
10:29 am - This one was so comical. MotorBug, being all stealthy, went for the cache and started digging around just as the dozen women doing tai chi turned around. Of course when they all turned back towards him in unison, he was still sqatting down there and looking around. I'm sure that's a peaceful sight - watching a grown man do something like that. I could barely keep myself from bursting into laughter.
I couldn't laugh too hard though since MotorBug found the cache for me. Thanks for the amusement.
Posted by jeff at
10:29 AM
10:15 am - Imagine my surprised when I turned around with the cache in hand and saw MotorBug standing there all smug. That smugness sure went away quick when he realized what he really found. I guess you do get kind of "slow" in old age.

Posted by jeff at
10:15 AM
9:57 am - I'm sure glad I brought MotorBug along as I was looking in a totally different place. I dunno how he found this one. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
09:57 AM
9:18 am - We just couldn't leave this cache behind. Nagzul had it before we knew what was happening. TNLNSL. I'm sure I'll be back for more fun in this park as there sure are a lot more caches. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
09:18 AM
8:54 am - Geez, what a bunch of dimwits. You'd think they might have noticed that they were going a little too far after an hour or so, especially as they crossed a freeway or two!
We were much luckier and found the cache once we got to the right elevation. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:54 AM
8:39 am - 1.5? No way! Lots of leaves and rocks and stuff around made this one a toughie. Luckily Nazgul applied himself and came up with the cache. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:39 AM
February 24, 2005
8:30 am - After "In the Shade" was archived, I was thinking about placing a cache in this park.
When I arrived today there were homeless people all over the place including one right above the coordinates who was intent on staring at me while I tried to search. I decided that his was not a pleasant place for a cache and left.
Posted by jeff at
08:30 AM
February 22, 2005
8:58 am - #3 of 3 on bullit day. This was pretty hidden but I knew where it had to be, so I dug around before I found it. Thanks for the 3 quickies before work.
Posted by jeff at
08:58 AM
8:41 am - #2 of 3 on bullit day. There sure is a lot of development going on here. At first I thought this was actually a commercial park, but then a SJ parks truck rolled in. Quick find, TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:41 AM
8:30 am - #1 of 3 on bullit day. I looked all over for this one and ended up calling a lifeline to grab it. Tiny container, lots of places to look. I tried to log these soccer balls as a locationless once, but it was already taken. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
08:30 AM
February 21, 2005
4:55 pm - Cool idea for a cache! I walked over and found the hiding spot, but it was tough to grab it with the people so close.
I pretended to call for a lifeline while I searched which worked fine until the voice on the phone got impatient and started to deafen me with EEP EEP EEP EEPs trying to get me to hang up the phone.
I grabbed a bead and replaced the cache I think without anyone the wiser. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
04:55 PM
4:55 pm - Cool idea for a cache and series. There were people very close to the cache and in full view, but I pretended to call a lifeline while I searched. That worked fine until the polite voice on the other end stopped being nice and started blaring EEP EEP EEP EEP in my ear to try to get me to hang up the dumb phone.
I grabbed a bead and I look forward to grabbing more. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
04:55 PM
4:42 pm - It seems like every week I'm up here on Shoreline these days. While waiting for some muggles to pass, I actually read the plaque. I found the cache soon after and signed the log. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
04:42 PM
4:30 pm - After some rain is a good time to come for this one - there were no kids around. I can't imagine trying to find this one during playtime.
The cache fit in well but I got a good angle on it and spotted it quickly. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
04:30 PM
4:16 pm - Third try for this one and this time it's a happy face for me. Apparently MotorBug found my first log amusing enough to use it for the re-hide. Of course while grabbing for it, I dropped it. Thankfully it didn't get away from me. I was glad to be here when a) there weren't millions of kids and parents around and b) the cache was actually there! TFTC!
Posted by jeff at
04:16 PM
3:58 pm - It sure pays to hold off on these Rat puzzles! The first time I seriously looked at this one was last night. I had a solution in a few hours mostly using crawburr's instructions and the hints.
Boy these cryptographers are tricky fellows. I sent in my key and today I was kinda close, so I decided to go after it and get it off my list.
The path was muddy as predicted but the cache was an easy find in a nice spot. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
03:58 PM
3:38 pm - It was pouring rain on my way over here, but it stopped as I arrived. I was hoping this would be easier than Ring around the Rosie and it was. I found the cache without difficulty and headed off into the rain that restarted. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
03:38 PM
2:35 pm - This was definitely a different type of Geocaching puzzle. Workerofwood sent us off with some general direction from his nearby Earthcache.
MotorBug and I were kinda confused at first, but found some things that made sense and headed in. We found some spots that fit, then got really lost without a map. We did some backtracking and picked up where we left off then found the last few steps. We overshot the last waypoint by a bit and had to come back where MotorBug found the cache. TNLNSL.
This is a pretty appropricate activity for this area because you can't get a GPS signal worth a darn under all these big trees. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
02:35 PM
1:15 pm - We had a great personal tour of the geology from the cache owner and amateur geologist, Workerofwood. It sure seems like he learned quite a bit while researching the area and he passed along some of the interesting stories to us. Someone should be posting a picture of us shortly I assume. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
01:15 PM
11:58 am - Today it was just me and the guy with the case of beer drinking on the top of the hill. I found it quickly which was great for such a tricky hide. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
11:58 AM
11:50 am - I don't know what's been wrong with me lately, but I keep finding caches that I forgot to log. I looked in a bunch of places for this one before I spotted it right in the open, but blending in well. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
11:50 AM
11:40 am - I got really lucky on this one and walked up and saw it right away. Nice camo. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:40 AM
11:28 am - Hmm, that's a familiar hint! Quick find/TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:28 AM
11:20 am - Quick find. I took a Squints button which I hasn't seen before. I had trouble making the cache stay in place, but I think I finally got it to stick. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
11:20 AM
11:06 am - I just couldn't wait until the next event. After dropping of WoW at work I headed over to this one. I found it without any trouble. TNLNSL. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
11:06 AM
10:15 am - I went into puzzle solving mode last night and solved a bunch, including this one. For once, I did the the right thing straight off. MotorBug and WoW helped me find it. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
10:15 AM
10 am - WoW and MotorBug let me suffer for a minute while this obvious hide eluded me. I found one of these LCs once, but before I knew it was an LC! I'll have to head back down there some day. Thanks for the cache and the rant.
Posted by jeff at
10:00 AM
9:36 am - I was just about to look where WoW grabbed the cache. Thanks for showing us the history of this place.
Posted by jeff at
09:36 AM
9:29 am - WoW and MotorBug spotted this one pretty quickly. They let me struggle with the cache for a while before I finally saw it. Nicely done. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
09:29 AM
9:24 am - WoW had found this one before, so I triangulated his gazes to find the cache. That's a pretty nice shack next door! Thanks for the cache.
Posted by jeff at
09:24 AM
8:37 am - After struggling to find free parking, we just pushed WoW out of the car and he made the grab while we pulled up beside. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
08:37 AM
8:08 am - WoW found this one quickly and tried to run away with the cache while MotorBug was still on his way. That rascally WoW! Thanks for the quick find.
Posted by jeff at
08:08 AM
February 20, 2005
1:29 pm - I was starting to look for this one when Kenny162 popped up. He told me that he had already checked the place I was looking, but I gave it an extra look just to be sure. He was right.

He found the actual cache soon after. Thanks for the history lesson and chance meeting!
Posted by jeff at
01:29 PM
1:12 pm - Missed batcher by 2 hours. I thought the cache was trash at first and ignored it.
Posted by jeff at
01:12 PM
I replaced the cache today with a new film can, magnet and extraction apparatus. The log is in a baggie too.
Don't stop here though - keep heading up the road for two more!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
I checked on the cache today and all is well. I added a dollar as a FTFTY prize. (First to Find This Year) :-) Don't miss a new cache I placed just up the road.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
February 19, 2005
2:02 pm - It was raining hard enough now that I had to get out the umbrella. The trail was muddy, but at least not sticky. The walk was quick and I found the cache quickly with the others close behind.
While I tried to figure out how to work the pen in the cache, digitalfish and MotorBug signed in. TNLNSL. These caches look like a good bike ride someday, so we decided not to save them for a rainy day and headed home after. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
02:02 PM
1:33 pm - On the way to my second try on this one, I stepped in a grass-covered puddle and got soaked through my socks. Yuck.
After wandering around in the rain for a while, MotorBug finally shouted out that he found the very hidden cache. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
01:33 PM
Ran across this Alamo-like facade on a hotel in Foster City, CA. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
No one's found this one in a while, so I added another hint.
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
12:50 pm - You may be able to fool MotorBug, but you didn't fool me. Ha!
Actually you fooled MotorBug twice - first with the decoy and second with the fact that he couldn't figure out how to open it! TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
12:50 PM
12:16 pm - I've always thought this area would be a nice place to live. We braved the rain for this one while it was still managable and digitalfish made the find. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
12:16 PM
11:25 am - It's been a long journey to this one, but eventually I found them all. The owner had to give me a remedial lesson in counting before I got the coordinates right.
It's a good thing I brough digitalfish and MotorBug along because I probably wouldn't have found the small container on my own. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:25 AM
February 13, 2005
3:40 pm - Now that's some serious off-roading!
I headed down the trail from the viewpoint and when I saw the cars in the ravine I headed straight down. I passed by 8 cars, but I was still 400 feet away from the cache.
I bushwacked to within 50 feet of the cache, but still didn't see the cache until I turned a corner and found the deer trail.
The way back up was pretty steep for sure. I was wet, tired and ready for a shower. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
03:40 PM
3:30 pm - I did the quick hike to this one, then climbed down the crumbling hillside amongst the broken glass. The cache was easy to find. TNLNSL. People should be careful when approaching this one.
Posted by jeff at
03:30 PM
3:17 pm - I had a lot of trouble with this cache. I doubted my approach at first, but I soon found myself within 20 feet of the cache.
At first I looked on the upside of the trail until I read the description more carefully.
Then I tried to figure out an approach down. There is poison oak everywhere, lots of rocks and lots of rocks. I decided to follow the rabidly-eroding hillside where everyone else had been. I searched there for at least a half-hour but found nothing.
Finally I decided to try some other rocks and trees, crawling through the poison oak. It was everywhere and unavoidable. Once I was in the right spot the cache was easy to spot, but it was behind more poison oak. I pulled it out, signed the log and TNLN. I wish I had brought my clippers and I hope the technu works.
Posted by jeff at
03:17 PM
2:10 pm - It was quite eerie walking up here with all the dense fog. I wandered around a while trying to find this little film can in the forest. I finally found it, mostly with luck. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
02:10 PM
1:54 pm - I found this one in the first place I looked. I love it when that happens. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
01:54 PM
1:28 pm - I didn't even really need the GPS for this one.
Step 1: Follow trail to the end
Step 2: Find the cache!
The hike wasn't too bad today, actually pretty nice. The trail was some kind of newt highway - I had to keep stepping over them.
I didn't really have any GPS reception at the end of the trail, so I just started looking and found it easily. TNLNSL. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
01:28 PM
12:50 pm - I didn't think MotorBug was capable of such evil. Oh nevermind, the container was provided by WeBeDnd. That explains it.
It was a mercifully quick find. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
12:50 PM
12:27 pm - Woo hoo, my first earthcache!
It was great to be back in Los Trancos Poison Oak Preserve, especially when all the new buds were sprouting.
I took what appeared to be the best trail and almost took it all the way to the posted coordinates.
I was 99% sure I was going the wrong way so I decided to explore a deer trail to see if I could correct things. It popped me out right on the faultline.
Every time I walked by one of those yellow markers I got a little nervous. Add this to the list of places I don't want to be during a major earthquake.
I found the bolt and continued on the trail, in the wrong direction of course. I soon fixed that returned all the way back the same trail that I came in on.
Thanks for the education!
Posted by jeff at
12:27 PM
11:50 am - I rolled into the parking lot and things looked bleak. It was cold, raining and incredibly foggy. Visibility was about 100 feet.
I was about to skip this one when I saw a familiar Jeep pull in. It was TeamNazgul. We chatted and he looked pretty determined to find these, so I went along.
The weather was everything I expected and worse - cold, windy, raning, cold and windy!
We kept a quick pace and found the deck and the cache just fine though, with Nazgul picking up some I had already done along the way. TNLNSL.
We hustled back and I was thankful to get dry and warm in my car. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
11:50 AM
10:30 am - They are are doing a lot of contruction to this park. I haven't been on this side before. I hiked my way up and got a good look of the ominous clouds hanging above Skyline which was where I was going next.
I found the cache without much trouble. I didn't see any llamas today. They must have all been at Llama Church. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
10:30 AM
10:30 am - Last weekend I drove by here and noticed a sign that said "Carillon School". Hmm, might there be a Carillon near the school? Sure enough, some quick research found a Carillon at the Christ Church in Portola Valley, California. Here's their website: (
visit link) . Cool bells. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
10:30 AM
10:03 am - I drove around to near the top of this one to try to avoid some elevation change, but I think I just ended up making it worse.
The first thing I did was head down until I found myself at the bottom of the ski jump, so I had no choice but to head stright up.
My god, what were they thinking when they built this hill? 
I found the cache easily and TNLNSL while I caught my breath. I kept going up and caught up with the road a while later. Thanks for the cache.
Posted by jeff at
10:03 AM
9:45 am - There sure are a lot of paths around here. I found the cache surprisingly quickly. I started to head up the trail, but it was muddy so I decided to take MotorBug's advice and drive. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
09:45 AM
9:34 am - It's poison oak seasong again! There were little sprigs in the area, but thankfully not in the way of the cache. I enjoyed the camo and the note. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
09:34 AM
February 12, 2005
6 pm - Missed batcher again by 45 minutes.
I was wut with motorbug today and this was on the way back from our random tour around the south bay. We sure felt suspicious in the middle of the street and we tried to think about why this would be a fun spot to hang out on a Saturday night if someone where to ask us what were were doing there.
The cache was a mercifully easy find. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
06:00 PM
4:40 pm - St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Los Gatos, California has some seriously Alamo-style architecture going on. It's got the "hump" and two bells. Here's their website. (
visit link)
Posted by jeff at
04:40 PM
4:06 pm - I wanted to park really close, but MotorBug wouldn't let me, so we took a short walk instead. A short walk was not a given after all the hiking we had done earlier in the day!
On the way to the cache, we walked by a birthday part turned dance party with a couple of girls dancing on the picnic tables. That sure grabbed MotorBug's attention; I barely noticed. 
MotorBug found the cache after walking through a lot of poison oak. TNLNSL. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
04:06 PM
3:48 pm - There we go, the cache is in place again! That rock should help keep it there. I made the quick grab from a parking spot a few feet away and we were off again. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
03:48 PM
3:35 pm - There was one car here when we arrived, but we found the cache quickly anyway. Nice new container there. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
03:35 PM
3:23 pm - MotorBug and I were on our way to another cache when I saw this beat of a tractor along the road. I did a uey and grabbed a shot or two. It's about time I spotted one of these!
Posted by jeff at
03:23 PM
1:12 pm - I had been to this area once before trying to approach another cache from the wrong way. That was a painful day. If you know the easy way, this is quite a nice and easy walk.
We found the cache easily and took nothing. MotorBug dropped his Palm stylus somewhere around the cache, so I guess we left that!
On they way out we ran into escooby, then I slipped and fell hard on my side. That sure smarted for bit.
Thanks for the cache!
Posted by jeff at
01:12 PM
12:55 pm - A few weeks ago I was hiking with digitalfish in this area when I ran into CKayaks. Being a nice guy, I gave him the coordinates to a cache I had just placed so he wouldn't need to make a return trip. How does he return the favor? By placing a couple of caches so I have to come back!

We found the trail and the cache without much trouble, though MotorBug earned himself another purple heart when he impaled his foread with a branch from the Lone Pine.
TNLNSL. Watch out for the little poison oak sprigs around the tree! Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
12:55 PM
12:29 pm - The lost trail has been found!
I'm sure glad I had motorbug with me today to help me find the parking lot to this one. My failure in getting to Scout Orchard which used to be very close to here is legendary.
We found the cache easily and I TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
12:29 PM
February 10, 2005
8:40 am - I've been on this section of the trail a couple of times, but I never knew there was a trailhead here. I guess I know now.
I was ready to get frustrated searching for the first stage, but I found it after a minute or two and while I was on the phone to boot!
The second stage was easy to find. I looked through the loot, but TNLNSL. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
08:40 AM
8:20 am - I happened to spot this building in downtown Mountain View, California while waiting on a traffic light the other day. I saw it from a distance so I wasn't quite sure what it was. I marked the waypoint to come back later.
Today I came back to check it out and it was as I expected. It's a boring blank wall of an office building painted over with an image of a building with huge glass windows overlooking green hills, with palm trees swaying. The mural is by San Francisco-based artist John Wullbrandt (visit link) .
I got a picture of the mural and the "plaque".
Posted by jeff at
08:20 AM
February 09, 2005
8:40 am - If I were to order the three new caches here, I would call them Hard, Harder and Hardest, with this one being the Hardest. Ironically, the difficulty ratings are in the opposite order!
I looked for a while on my way in and looked again on the way out, finally resorting to a lifeline. I had checked the spot before, but not for that type of container I guess. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:40 AM
8:30 am - I searched for this one a bit on my way to Wild Turkey, but I wasn't sure where I should be looking and I didn't have the cache description. I followed all kinds of animal trails, but I think most of them were from the species Obsessorus Geocacherus.
On the way back from Wild Turkey I got some reception and downloaded the cache page. I found the cache in a spot I checked, but not that thoroughly. The cache lid isn't staying on properly, so I put a log on it to hold it down. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:30 AM
8:20 am - This was a pretty neat place for a rest. I consulted the description for more info on the cache only to find I was standing right on top of it. TNLNSL.
It sure was a good idea to bring another pair of shoes to wear to work as the trail was pretty muddy today. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
08:20 AM
February 08, 2005
I sent in my solution for the first part two weeks ago and have received no response. Is this cache being maintained?
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
8:40 am - Yeah, this is pretty screwed up. I'm pretty screwed up too.
I found this puzzle pretty frustrating while I was trying to figure it out and even more frustrating after. You see I remembered this place and thought it might be the exact spot for the cache. I even went so far as to try to look at it on terraserver, but couldn't find it. A couple of days ago I even drove by at a high speed and tried to see if that might be the right place.
I gave up the idea though and tried many more ways to solve it. When I had the answer and drove up to the cache, I had a forhead-slapping moment.
The cache was in the first place I looked, though I just didn't get my hands on it the first few times I tried.
I'm hoping that whatever temporary incompetence that befell WeBeDnD has since resolved itself and we can look forward to more finely-constructed caches in the future. :-) Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:40 AM
8:19 am - Finally! With a small hint, I found the small cache. It was near where I was searching last time, but my coordinates were pointing me about 20 feet away. It's hard to get a good reading here.
When I started searching, there was one lone kid on a swing. When I came out from behind the wall again, there dozens of them running around and screaming. Time to get out of here!
Phew, glad to be done staring at this one at the top of my list. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:19 AM
February 06, 2005
2:30 pm - We were running out of time before having to head home to catch the SuperBowl, but this cache was so close to where we were and the only one I had left in the area, so I just had to do it.
We powered up the trail, spotted the cache easily, took in the area, then powered back down, getting home with 10 minutes to spare before kickoff. TNLNSL. Thanks for the workout!
Posted by jeff at
02:30 PM
1:50 pm - We blew right past the entrance to this one on the way up. I had to switch my GPS to topo maps to actually see the road we needed to take.
We had a nice short walk to the cache and found it without any problems. There were all kinds of flowers blooming here, making it even nicer. TNLNSL. Thanks for pointing out this hidden gem.
Posted by jeff at
01:50 PM
1:11 pm - My, I've driven up mountains with roads that were less steep than this one!
After going up the loop, we found some questionable parking across from a trailhead.
We really enjoyed this hike up to the views of the valley. We weren't sure where the side trail started and we kept cutting over at the wrong place. Finally we reached the top and headed down a bit. There were some interesting tracks in the mud which I think may have been from a mountain lion.
The cache was at a great spot. We found it easily, took a golf ball, and left a smiley guy.
These Portola Valley caches really should get some more visitors - they're quite nice.
Posted by jeff at
01:11 PM
12:17 pm - It really helped to calibrate the Portola Valley Trails map beforehand and use that to figure out how to get here.
We kept going from Banana Slug Highway and found the cache without any problems. TNLNSL.
On the way back we couldn't quite remember which trail we took after crossing the creek so we tried one, then turned around to try the other. After a while it became obvious that the first one was the right one so we turned around again. Geesh! Thanks for the cache.
Posted by jeff at
12:17 PM
12:13 pm - Our first attempt at finding the trailhead failed, so next we found an aptly road and parked near the end to find a very tiny little trail entrace. That made for a short walk to the cache. Some others came walking down the trail just as we started to search so we waited them out and then found the cache, carefully trying to avoid all the poison oak here. TNLNSL. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
12:13 PM
11:52 am - We headed off in the wrong direction at first for this one, having to backtrack to the trail the started right near where we parked. This was a neat area. We took a golf ball and left a quarter. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:52 AM
11:05 am - Neat hidden trail. We weren't sure were to start, but we saw something that looked like a trail at the end of a cul-de-sac so we went down to find the cache only a few hundred feet away. We'll have to explore more of these trails. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:05 AM
10:47 am - This was quite an easy trek! We passed the counting test, took a short walk and found the cache easily. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
10:47 AM
February 05, 2005
5:10 pm - This webcam seems to be on the fritz. While we were there, I tried to load it on my Treo and nothing happened. I figured it was just my device, so I called my parents and they said they got the same thing. Later they called back and said it was working again, but by the time we got back to the pier, it wasn't working.
As I try it right now it's not working again. Oh well, I'm sure we'll be back some other day.
Posted by jeff at
05:10 PM
4:52 pm - I was reading the description for this one as we walked over. When I asked the question about who sponsored the plaque, Anne gave me the answer. How could she know that??
We had walked by here on the way to Laughing Sal's and she had noticed the plaque. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
04:52 PM
4:50 pm - This was a pretty neat place. We had never been here before. Lots of neat stuff to explore and play with.
We found 6 different types of smashed pennies.
New question: What years did the roller coaster car on display go through Belmont Park?
Posted by jeff at
04:50 PM
4:20 pm - Yup, we found the rat trap first, then the cache. This was a pretty neat park and it's good go see a regular-sized container in the city. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
04:20 PM
4:14 pm - Wow, this is pretty interesting. I didn't know that's where all that mess started. :-)
We took the looong way from the first waypoint up to Coit Tower to grab a few more caches before getting the final on the way back. The camo was pretty good and it took a few minutes before I spotted it. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
04:14 PM
4:01 pm - I thought this cache would make a nice loop down from Coit Tower and then back to the Embarcadero where we were parked. I was hoping it would be all downhill and it was - for the most part.
We definitely never would have spotted this place. Great views! It took me a little while to spot the cache. TNLNSL. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
04:01 PM
3:41 pm - We've never been here when the place was open. We didn't pay to go up though. Enjoyed the murals. Cbyvpr eboorq, Npphfr Qvyyvatre
Posted by jeff at
03:41 PM
3:27 pm - Whoah! This was pretty neat and broke up the long hike up to Coit Tower. The birds were in full force today and noisy as heck. The cache was easy find as well. TNLNSL. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
03:27 PM
2:08 pm - Well, I sure didn't expect to see this here. We found the plaques fine. It would be cool to come back someday for the tour. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
02:08 PM
2:03 pm - Interesting sculpture. We parked nearby and took a short walk to this one and another virtual close by. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
02:03 PM
1:52 pm - We tried a few approaches the the cache, then found a secret stairway to where we wanted to be. Unfortunately there were some people moving in to the high rise 10 feet from the cache, so we aborted. Next time, perhaps.
Posted by jeff at
01:52 PM
1:36 pm - Neat history lesson. We did a few u-turns while walking the route, but found all the markers. We found some other caches before backtracking to the final. I felt somewat perverted grabbing the cache, but I don't think anybody saw me. :-)
Thanks for the cache!
Posted by jeff at
01:36 PM
1:23 pm - Wooo, crazy! It took me a little while to find it. I don't usually see this kind of attachment device, so I was looking for something else. We had fun running through the sculpture. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
01:23 PM
1:10 pm - I liked this multi. It made you actually read the signs and learn some interesting history. We found the cache without incident and had a nice walk on the pier. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
01:10 PM
12:53 pm - I thought I logged this one a while back, but apparently I did not. I had never been to the SF Farmers Market before, so this was a two-fer with the cache. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
12:53 PM
12:40 pm - Anne reminded me while we were here that we've lived here long enough that she remembered when this wasn't here. Got a picture, not sure it's better, especially since I'm in it. :-) Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
12:40 PM
12:18 pm - It was past noon, so we had better be awake! Quick find with the hint. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
12:18 PM
11:49 am - What a sight ... of fog! We were a little too early for the fog to burn off. We saw the island from the city later in the day though. I guess we'll just have to come back. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:49 AM
11:40 am - We didn't even turn off the car for this one. Took golf ball, left usda magnet. I guess I missed the whole contest. Thanks for the cache.
Posted by jeff at
11:40 AM
11:34 am - This was a quick find with another great view of...fog. There were some cool sailboats amongst the fog. TFTC.
Posted by jeff at
11:34 AM
11:22 am - The fog was extremely thick today and we couldn't even figure out which direction the city was. I'm usually not very good at these rock hides, but I got lucky this time. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
11:22 AM
11:07 am - What a surreal place. It was really foggy which made the abandoned base even stranger. We found it without much trouble. Thanks for the interesting spot.
Posted by jeff at
11:07 AM
February 04, 2005
8:32 am - I had no problem with this one. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:32 AM
8:22 am - FTF! I don't really go after FTFs, but there were two others nearby that I needed to grab, so this one made the area my closest cluster for a quick before-work run.
I have one question for geobrowns - how do you sleep at night? How do your minds come to rest when there's so much evil coursing through your being? And why must you unleash all that evil on us poor, downtrodden geocachers?
It seems that my complaint about hints sparked some faint memory of goodness in their hearts and the hint for this one allowed me to find it quickly, but just barely. I was surprised to be first. This one had been approved for at least 12 hours. Where is everyone?
Thanks for the cache - and the hint. :D
Posted by jeff at
08:22 AM
8:12 am - This time it was a quick find for me on this one. There were people all over, but I stopped to "tie my shoe" and found the cache. Thanks for the hint. :-)
Posted by jeff at
08:12 AM
February 03, 2005
I'm not sure what to do about this one. I (along with many others) already found the other one of the same name and theme and the final Inca Gold cache, all of which were a lot of fun. But it seems like most of the meaning is gone to redo just this one.
Maybe I just need someone to place a new cache or two near this one as incentive. :-)
Posted by jeff at
01:00 PM
8:40 am - Perhaps we should start a fund to collect money for "MadDad". It seems that the only outlet for his anger is sadistic camo. :-)
I wandered all over the place and I was just about to call for a lifeline when I found the cache. Yikes. Great view from up here this morning. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:40 AM
February 02, 2005
8:27 pm - I missed batcher, but I did run into atc and budd-rdc. Five finds within 2 hours - that's pretty impressive! I was just in the area for some other caches and figured I might as well pick this one up on the way home.
I had no problem finding it once I found the right parking. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:27 PM
8:10 pm - I won the parking lottery on this one and ended up only a few feet from the cache. Without a flashlight, I found that my phone did a pretty good job of lighting up the area. I found the cache after a few minutes. I'm gonna bet this place doesn't get much use. TNLNSL. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
08:10 PM
8:00 pm - I tried a bunch of other places before I found the cache. It was dark, and I wasn't really keen on sticking my hands into strange places. I found one spot and felt something slimy inside. Yuck! I took a closer look and found the cache. I'm really hoping that the slimy thing I touched was the cache and not something else. Didn't take too long though. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
08:00 PM
7:30 pm - This one left me pretty confused. I had some theories about where this one might be, but no way to really verify without doing a lot of driving around. With some guidance, my best guess was right. I'm not sure I would have gotten it right in the daytime though.
It seemed odd that the final cache was so far away, but later on I ran into atc and budd-rdc and they told me why. I found the cache easily once I had the coordinates. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
07:30 PM
8:40 am - I parked really close; I wasn't sure it was legal, but it looked alright and I was quick. That's some camo I haven't seen before for sure! TNLNSL. Thanks!
Posted by jeff at
08:40 AM
8:30 am - I was looking harder than I needed to when I spotted the container. Nicely done. TNLNSL. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:30 AM
February 01, 2005
9:10 am - Very funny. I was sitting there waiting for mmp when I saw a green SUV with a GPS mounted on the dash drive by. I got a quick glance at the driver and thought it could be atc or budd-rdc. (I still can't tell them apart. :-) ) But he didn't turn around so I thought it must have been just some other random person.
I should hang out in front of my caches more often!
Posted by jeff at
09:10 AM
8:50 am - I was going to grab this one yesterday, but I was on my snowmobile.
Today this was a quick find after I battled traffic. I already have a time capsule LC and my Flatiron LC is right at the intersection.
A security guard was looking at me as I drove off the lot. Not sure if he was watching me the whole time or what, but he seemed to go away quietly. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:50 AM
8:31 am - Odd little spot here. Maybe they had laid the concrete and thought it may look a bit nicer with some tables. Found it quickly. Thanks.
Posted by jeff at
08:31 AM
8:25 am - Hey, there used to be another cache here. I guess not anymore. Thanks for another quick one.
Posted by jeff at
08:25 AM