My Backup Alarm System

Although my last gadget purchase was a new alarm clock, I don’t use the alarm. I naturally wake up between 7 and 7:30 each morning, Well, except when I don’t.

Fortunately I have a backup system. It requires no batteries and is sufficiently annoying to wake me from any slumber.

This morning I rolled over upon hearing my backup alarm system. I was going to ignore it, but was surprised to see it was actually 8:19. I turned back to see my backup alarm meowing loudly, repeatedly and directedly at me. How do they know what time it is and when I’m late?


  1. Our dogs wake up between 7:15 everyday and bother us until one of us gets up to feed them. It really sucks in the fall with daylight savings when we fall back because then they get up at 6:30 and expect breakfast. If we’re really lucky, they’ll sleep until 8, but it rarely happens. It’s a better alarm than my clock (how many clocks stand on you and lick your face until you get up?)

  2. Oh, you want a great primary alarm? Get an infant, any infant…!

    Our current cat doesn’t do the wakey-wakey thing. Our old one was vicious about it though. You got one “nice” request (soft paw on the face), a few purrs, and 30 seconds later it was all claws and howls… I have to admit, this is one part of our old cat I don’t miss.

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