Thanksgiving movie summaries

I always seem to watch a lot of movies over the holidays. Thanksgiving was no exception I watched 4 which is a lot for me. They weren’t necessarily great movies either. Just ones that were available on the plane or the movie no one else in the room had seen yet (and probably for good reason.)

Here’s what I ended up watching.

8 Mile
Source: Borrowed from my sister
Eminem plays a poor rapper in a bad neighborhood. His friends and family have real problems. In the end, he wins a rap contest against the reigning local champ and walks off into the “sunset” (in this case a dark alley). It’s kind of like Rocky, but with rap. Emimem manages to not smile or laugh once in the whole film. Now that’s acting.

Source: “DVD” from New York’s Chinatown made by some guy with with a video camera in a movie theater
A wacky story of competing gym owners who play in a winner-take all dodgeball contenst in Las Vegas. “Milton” from office space plays one of the dodgeball players. The good guys win in the end. I must see more movies with Vince Vaughn in them.

Source: In-flight movie, Chicago to San Jose
Will Ferrell does what he always does, which is act stupid. It’s still funny though. This time it’s as a chauvinistic faux-player news anchor from San Diego who’s struggling against the rise of women in media. It’s always fun to laugh out loud at movies on the plane.

Reindeer Games
Source: Netflix movie we’ve had for months, watched mostly before and after Anchorman
Ben Affeck plays a smartass pretty-boy (i.e. himself) ex-con who gets conned by his former cellmate in a plot to rob a small Indian casino. Charlize Theron works an impossibly complicated plot by showing off her chest to three different men. We were right in the middle of the last 5 minutes of this movie during the bad guy’s monologue when the plane was about to land and I had to shut down my laptop. Annoying.

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