First, I was convinced the cache was on the other side of the stream, so I crossed it. It was running pretty wide and swift today. Once I got over there it became clear that I went totally the wrong way.
Then we crossed the road and started climbing up the rocks. There were lots of nooks and crannies to search, so I kept climbing higher and higher until I got to the top.
On one scramble I fell a little bit and landed on my ribcage. I didn't think much of it.
I went all the way around the rock down the other side until I followed the GPSr to a place where I zeroed out and finally found the cache. We had been looking for a long time, so it was satisfying to find it just about when we were going to give up.
On the way back to the car, I noticed my ribs still hurt. It got progressively worse and tonight it's pretty painful. Hopefully it's just a bad bruise. TFTC!
Posted by jeff at March 5, 2005 04:45 PM