September 06, 2003

Chameleon Row

Foooffffyyy! I thought I had moved back to LA! There were all kinds of people here with designer bags driving around in hummers and mini coopers and gabbing on their cell phones.

We hadn't been here before, so we took some time to wander around. We decided to have some crepes for lunch and figure out where the cache was later. Finishing up our Nutella and cream, we turned on the GPS and found ourselves 80 feet away. The area described in the title was occupied with some workers filling up the fountain, so we decided to sit down and play a game of chess. It was a trouncing and when we finished the workers were gone. We went over to that area only to discover we guesseed incorrectly and the cache was in an accessible place all along. Once we were in the right spot, we found it almost immediately. Thanks!

Posted by jeff at September 6, 2003 01:30 PM