Boulter is a hamlet in Eastern Ontario about 100 miles Northeast of Toronto and 100 miles Southwest of Ottowa.
It's situated in a large district in Ontario called Carlow Township. Within all of Carlow there are currently 422 registered voters. Boulter itself is guess-timated at having approximately 140 residents, given that Boulter General Store also doubles as a post office and handles that many addresses.
Boulter itself has one lake, Fraser Lake, a good-sized lake known for it's pickeral (Americans call it walleye) and pike. Down the road, but still in Carlow Township there exists a smaller lake with a public beach by the name of Foster Lake. The Little Mississippi River runs through it.
Most Boulter residents working in the logging industry. Trees from Boulter are used all over the world in the building of log homes. Caledon Log Homes is one business that uses logs from Boulter. The office is located in Bolton, but the mill itself is located in Bancroft, 40 miles away from Boulter. In the surrounding area there are also many saw mills making 2 x 4s and other lumber for houses, fences, etc.
Those who don't log, farm. There are a lot of cattle farmers. The rest of Boulter residents work in Bancroft (population 2,500) as store clerks, bank clerks, gas attendents, librarians, etc.
The rural setting of Boulter also makes it a have for outdoor-seeking tourists. The area is tops for fishing, snowmobiling, and hunting.
Boulter is also home to Huber's Jam Company, a family that makes jam and sells it worldwide. the recipe is an old Mennonite one handed down for centuries.
There's a magazine published in Boulter called The Country Connection about country living.
Phone: (613) 332-3651
Fax: (613) 332-5183
There's also a Boulter General Store (where you can pick a copy of The Country Connection).
Boulter General Store
If you need a place to stay while visiting Boulter The Quiet Place is country resort offering camping, walking, horseback riding, and hunting.
You can also stay at the Windsgeat Farm Bed and Breakfast right in Boulter.
Address: Boulter, Ontario, Canada K0L 1G0
In nearby Bancroft, you can find the Boulter Gospel Chapel and Cemetary
Thanks to Laura ([email protected]), who lives in Boulter, for the background information on Boulter, Onatario. If you know anything more about Boulter, Ontario, please mail me.
Along the Thames river in England is a Boulter's lock, a series of gates used to raise or lower boats.
There's some more information on the Boulter Lock on the Thames Map Site.
There's a Boulter's Inn immediately next to the lock. You can see it more clearly on this page.
Garden Valley Road, Tyler, TX.
The house was
sold in 2003 to Jeff Sklar.
Boulter Farm
Finally, there's a Boulter House on Kender Street in Lewisham, England, a borough of London.
Phone: (613) 332-1735
R.R. #4 Bancroft, K0L 1C0, Ontario, Canada
At Right: "Sunday at Boulter's 1895" by E.J. Gregory
The Lock on the Other Side of the Big Pond
Other places named Boulter
There's a Boulter Middle School in Tyler, TX. It was named after Robert Spurgeon Boulter and his two sons.
A Cincinatti Boulter Residence was designed by famed architect Frank Lloyd
Wright in 1954 on Rawson Woods Circle. The house was built for Cedric Boulter, a classics
professor at nearby University of Cincinnati.
"The home's interior is private, but the entire exterior is visible - many Wright devotees would say too visible - from the adjoining street. The present owner, an urban design prof essor at the University of Cincinnati, has cleared away underbrush and replaced it with a suburban-style law. The original owner, Patricia Boulter, considers these changes 'very un-Wright-like.'"
Don't go running to check this place out. I found it because it's a Superfund Cleanup Site!
Curran Road & Depot Street, Cumberland, RI 02864
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