I don’t surf the web anymore.
When the web was young, people would spend hours just visiting random sites on the web and seeing what’s out there. For some reason that’s become boring, or maybe the sites have just become less novel and boring.
In any case, the only time I visit sites is when people pass along links to them. This kind of social sharing of URLs is not a new concept, but the linkblog is yet another way to do it.
There’s many webites and pages that I’d like to share, but they’re not quite worthy of a full blog post (read: I’m too lazy). But a linkblog is just right.
Since all the cool kids are doing it, I set up an account on del.icio.us (I really hate that domain name; I never remember where to put the dots) and starting bookmarking links.
So there we go: http://del.icio.us/boulter
And of course, there’s an RSS feed.
Enjoy, or if that is a bit too presumptuous, at least click.
This might help you. The .us part should be easy enough, being a country code, I remember “del.” by associating it with the old DOS file delete command. Not the most intuitive, but I haven’t mistyped it yet.