On my flight to Maryland last weekend, looking down over all that land, one thought came to mind – we have room for a lot more garbage.
But why should we spew our garbage over thr rockies, when it can be a moneymaking proposition? Sunnyvale has their old dump next to the bay. It’s now a nice, though strangely shaped, grassy hill. More than just a nice place to take a walk or find a cache, it now produces enough energy from methane to power the sewage treatment plant next door, with some left over to sell to the state. Who said millions of diapers are a bad thing? There’s something ironic about using human waste to process more human waste.
This has become such a valuable asset to the city that they’ve hired a group of ‘experts’ to carefully maintain the grass to prevent fires. Go by Caribbean drive and you’ll see a very out-of-place herd of sheep and goats. They do a nice job though. Maybe I could steal a couple for a night and have them do my lawn.