Anne and I have recently discovered that we’ve developed supernatural powers.
Me, I have the amazing ability to generate vast amount of static electricity. I’m able to zap people and occasionally make computers reboot just by touching them.
Like all superpowers, its power is also a curse. I’ve become afraid to close car doors because I often shock myself. Someday I fear I might just spontaneously combust.
Anne now has the amazing ability to blow lightbulbs just by turning them on. She flips the switch and poof! the bulb blows. This has happened a lot recently. Her curse is that she has to go change all these lightbulbs.
Like all people with supernatural powers, we’re planning on using our powers to fight crime in our spare time. All we have to do is find a criminal and lure him into a room. Then Anne will blow the lights, disorienting the criminal, while I shock him until the authorities arrive.
Hmm, I wonder if we have to join some sort of superhero union before we start fighting crime?
You guys are an “electrifying experience” all rolled up into one.