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Boulters of New England


      The details of Nathaniel Boulter's immigration to the new world are very sketchy, but it is known that he came from England, probably around the middle 1600's. He arrived in Hampton, New Hampshire and married Grace Swaine.

Grace came into a considerable estate from her father and was accused of witchcraft.

Aside from these many women who lived or had lived in families without male heirs, there were at least a dozen other witches who, despite the presence of brothers and songs, came into much larger shares of estates than their neighbors would have expected. In some cases, these women gained full control over the disposition of property. We know about these women because their fathers, husbands, or other relatives left wills, because the women themselves wrote wills, or becase male relatives who felt cheated out of their customary shares fought in the courts for more favorable arrangements.
Grace Boulter of Hampton, one of several children of Richard Swain, is one of these women. Grace was accused of witchcraft in 1680, along with her thirty-two-year-old daughter Mary Prescott. Twenty years earlier, in 1660, just prior to his removal to Nantucket, Grace's father had deeded a substantial portion of his Hampton property to her and her husband Nathaniel, some of which he gave directly to her.
-- The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England by Carol F. Karlsen, 3:113-14. Cited: Norfolk Deeds, 1:116, 154; Dow, History or Hampton 1:85; 2:612-13, 928, 985-86, New Hampshire Province Records, 417.

Together they had ten children. John, the youngest, married a woman named Martha. In 1700, they had a son, Nathaniel III, named after his grandfather.

      Nathaniel moved to Scarboro, Maine and married Grace Blye. They also named their son Nathaniel. Nathaniel IV moved to Standish, Maine and fought in the Scarboro, Massachusetts Company during the American Revolution. Nathaniel IV married Ruth Sprague and had a son, Daniel, in 1781.


      Daniel married Lottice Harding and moved to Freedom, Maine. Stephen Boulter was born and married Rebecca Coloney. They had a son named Joseph in 1836. Joseph married Sarah Elizabeth Smith and moved to Kittery, Maine. Their son, Mark, was born in 1861.


      Mark was schooled in Boston where he learned to draft. He returned to work in the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard as a foreman for thirty years.

Mark's house in Portsmouth as it looks today.

      Mark's first wife, Katherine Green, died in 1908 and Mark remarried to Carrie Hayes. He had a son, Chester, who died unexpectedly in 1920 at the age of 33. At that time, Mark, now 60, took over the Manchester Foundry Company that Chester had established and became a father for Chester's son, Roy. Mark was a very active community member of Manchester, New Hampshire and the city deeply mourned his passing.

1046 Union St. in Manchester, NH where Mark lived in 1920 (left) and how it looks today (right).


      Chester Ellsworth Boulter was schooled in Somerville, Massachusetts where he learned the molders' trade. He also worked at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard until 1917 when he established the Manchester Foundry Company which produced, among many other things, the foot-long keys to the city that were presented to people as a token of appreciation from the City of Manchester. He and his wife produced one son, Roy, who would be fatherless at the age of eight after Chester's sudden death.

Chester with his son Roy (left) and Chester (right).


Roy enjoys time with friends (top left) and is a passenger (top right). Roy at his drugstore apprenticeship (right).

      Roy Boulter continued in the success of his father and grandfather. He grew up in Portsmouth and Manchester, NH and graduated from Manchester Central High School in 1929. In the 30's, he took on an apprenticeship at Healey's Pharmacy in Portsmouth.

Gladys' and Roy's high school graduation pictures.

      Meanwhile, Roy met Gladys Gentleman and had 2 sons, Richard (1944) and Frederick (1946) in the baby boom years.

Roy and Glays at Alton Bay, New Hampshire.

Roy and Gladys.

Roy and Blackie the cat in 1942.

      Roy was stationed in England during World War II and reached the rank of Chief Warrant Officer in the US Army. In 1948, he moved to Milford, NH and bought Coleman's Pharmacy in the center of town which he renamed Boulter's Pharmacy in 1956. He also purchased a summer cottage on Lake Winnepocket in Webster, NH. He died, to much of the community's dismay, in 1962. His wife, Gladys, took over operation of Boulter's Pharmacy until it was sold two years later. Gladys died in 1985 at the age of 76.

Roy with "the big one" at Lake Winnepocket.

Roy and Gladys with their two sons, Richard and Frederick.
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