Another Household Problem Solved: Cross-Platform Calendar Sharing

Problem: Anne’s the household event planner. I have only vague ideas of when these events/vacations/trips will occur. Anne does not like this.

Solution: Connect the pieces

  1. Anne’s Tungsten T3
  2. Palm Desktop
  3. iSync
  4. iCal
  5. WebDAV on OS X
  6. Remote Calendar Add-in for Outlook 2003
  7. Jeff’s Outlook Calendar

Result: Automatic calendar sharing. Marital bliss. (?)


  1. I’ve found a simple solution. It also promotes communication between spouses


    Jeff: Anne, what’s up this week?
    Anne: this, and that, and this, and that
    Jeff: Ok


    Jeff: Anne, what’s up this week?
    Anne: this, and that, and this, and that
    Jeff: Ok


    Jeff: Anne, what’s up this week?
    Anne: this, and that, and this, and that
    Jeff: Ok


    Jeff: Anne, what’s up this week?
    Anne: this, and that, and this, and that
    Jeff: Ok


    Jeff: Anne, what’s up this week?
    Anne: this, and that, and this, and that
    Jeff: Ok


    Jeff: Anne, what’s up this week?
    Anne: this, and that, and this, and that
    Jeff: Ok


    Jeff: Anne, what’s up this week?
    Anne: this, and that, and this, and that
    Jeff: Ok

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