ASCII art reborn

It’s been a while since I’ve seen some good ASCII art, but I just got this spam.

   ssyouIhop  eyo              uar  edo                               ingwell     havean          icedayh                                   
 ell      odo                  yo                                    us  t ill  =re   mem        ber    me                                  
 Im        iss yo    uIhope    yo   ua    redo                       in  g      we     ll        ha     vea                                 
 ni            ce   day   he   ll   od  oyo  ust                      ill=            rem        emb    erm                                 
 eI            mi         ssy  ou   Ih  op                              eyoua      redoi          ngwellhav                                 
 ea            ni   cedayhell  od   oy   oustill                         =  re    mem               ber meI                                 
 mis       syo uI  hop     ey  ou   ar        edo                   ing  w  ell  ha               ve    ani                                 
  ceda  yhel   lo  do    yous  ti   ll  =re    me                    mb  e  rm  eI       m  i s   syo uIho                                  
    peyouar    ed   oingwe llh ave  an   icedayh                      ellodoy  oustill=rem  emb    ermeI                                    
ss         yo uIh                                                     op         eyo             uaredoi                                    
ngw       ell hav                                                  eaniceda    yhellod          oyoustill                                   
 =r      eme                                                      mbe rm eIm  iss   you         Ih                                          
 ope     yo   uar    edoin      gwel lh   av ean   iceda           yh el      l      od         oyousti                                     
  ll=   rem   emb  erm   eIm  issy ouIh   ope    you   are          doin            gw         ellhavean                                    
  ice   day   hel        lod  oy     ou   st           ill            =reme      mber                  me                                   
   Imi ssy    ouI  hopeyouar  ed     oi   ng     wellhavea            ni ced   ayh                     el                                   
    lo do     you sti     ll  =r     em   em    ber     me        Im  is  sy  ouI             hop      ey                                   
    ouare     doi  ng    wel  lhav  ean   ic     ed    ayh        ell od oyo ust  ill=re  me   mbermeImi                                    
     ssy      ouI  hopeyo  ua   redo in   gw     ellhav  ean       icedayh   ellodoyoust  ill    =reme                                      
                                     mb                               er                                                                    
                              meIm issy                                                                                                     
ho        pey             ou  are                                       doin         g              wel                                     
lha       vea             ni  ced                                     ayhellod      oy           oustill=                                   
 rem     emb              er                                         meI mi ssy   ouIh           op    eyo                                  
  ua     re    doingwe    ll  hav  ean    ic  edayhell odoyo          us ti         ll          =re     me                                  
  mbe   rme   Imi    ss   yo  uIh  ope    yo   uar  edoi  ngw          ellh         av           ea    nic                                  
  eda   yh        ellod   oy  ous  til    l=   re    me    mb            ermeI      mi            ssyouIho                                  
   pey oua    redoin gw   el  lha  vea    ni   ce    da    yh            el  lo     do               y  ou                                  
    st il     l=     re   me  mbe  rm     eI   mi    ss    yo        uI  ho  pe     yo           ua    red                                  
    oingw     el    lhav  ea  nic  eday  hel   lo    do    yo        ust il l=r     em      em    bermeIm                                   
     iss       youIh  ope yo  uar    edoi ng   we    ll    ha          veanic       ed      ay     hell                                     
ous      til                                                            l=re         m          embermeImis                                 
 syo    uIh                                                           op ey ou      ar          edoing  wel                                 
  lha  vea                                                           nic ed ayh   ello                 do                                   
   yousti     ll=remem   bermeImi    ssyouIho pey     oua             re do         in                gwe                                   
     llh     ave    ani  ced   ayh  ell    od   oyo ust                ill=r        em               emb                                    
    erme        Imissyo  uI     ho     peyoua    redoi                   ngwel      lh               av                                     
   ea  ni     ceday hel  lo     do  yousti ll     =re                    me  mb     er              meI                                     
  mi    ssy  ou     Iho  pe     yo  ua     re   doi ng               we  ll  ha     ve             ani                                      
ceda     yhe llo i doyo  us     ti  ll=  remem ber  meIm              is sy ou      Ih      op     eyo                                      
ua        re   doing  we ll     ha    vean   iced     ay               h el l       od      oy     ous                                      
 embermeI   missyouI    hopeyoua        redoingw ellha    veaniced   ayhellod  oyo    ust       ill=rem emberm   eImissyo   uIhope  youared 
 o     in   gw    ell  hav   ean         ic   eda   yhe  lla    odo  you   sti ll=    re        mem   ber   me  Imi    ssy  ouI    hop    ey
  ouaredo   in    gwe  ll     ha         ve    an    ic     edayhel  lo     do  you  st         il    l=    re  me      mb  er     meImissyo
 uI    ho   pe    you  ar     ed         oi    ng    we   llh   av   ea     ni   ce day         he    ll    od  oy      ou  st     il       
l=     re   me    mbe  rm     eI         mi    ss    yo  uI     ho   pe     yo    uare          do    in    gw  ell     ha  ve     an     ic
edayhellod  oy    ous  till=reme        mbe   rme   Imi  ssyouIhope  yo    uar     ed           oi    ng    wel  lhaveanic  eda     yhellodo
  yous   ti ll     =r    emem  b         er    me    Im    issy   ou Ih     op    ey            ou    ar    ed     oing     we        llha  


Brilliant! Those spam filters are going to have to get a lot smarter.


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